Calling all retailers.

Join Munce Group Today!

Why should you be a part of this marketing group?

Marketing works! Whether it is a catalog, flyer, postcard, email, in-store signage or a social media post, marketing gets your customers into your store.

We are dedicated to YOU, the independent Christian retailer! The Munce Group’s desire is to keep you strong and healthy by creating affordable, traffic-driving promotions and offering services to save you money.

Dedicated to your success

We are here to serve you!

Large or small, high volume or start-up the Munce Group has solutions for you!

Download the Retailer Information Kit!

Membership Requirements?

It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3!

Participate in at least two promotions each year.

Pay your bills on time.

Support the catalog by having the advertised products in stock.

Contact us about joining at 800.868.4388